

Motion Introduced by:  The University Services and Facilities Committee

Date of Motion:  April 27, 2020

Title of Motion:  Resolution in Appreciation of Arizona State University Essential Employees

Action Requested:  The University Services and Facilities Committee recommends approval of this resolution


WHEREAS, the Arizona State University essential employees have worked tirelessly to maintain operations on campus; and

WHEREAS, the Arizona State University essential employees have continued their work at the potential risk to their own health;

WHEREAS, the Arizona State University essential employees have exhibited extraordinary flexibility and ingenuity in this rapidly evolving situation; and

WHEREAS, the Arizona State University essential employees have maintained a positive and professional attitude despite the stresses;

BE IT THEREFORE RESOLVED that the Arizona State University Senate wishes to recognize with deep gratitude the heroic services that have been provided by staff, the workers in custodial services, facilities services, first responder services, food services, health services, IT services, library services, mailing services, and others whose presence on campus is essential to ASU’s continued functioning during this very difficult time of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Areas or departments that have essential workers on campus include the following:

Alumni Association


ASU Police Department

Auxiliary Business Services

Counseling Services

Cultural Affairs

Disability Resource Center


Environmental Health & Safety

Emergency Medical Services

Enrollment Management

Enterprise Marketing Hub


Facilities Development and Management

Financial Services

Human Resources

Knowledge Enterprise


Media Relations and Strategic Communications

Office of General Counsel

Office of the Dean

Office of the President

Office of the Provost

Office of the Fire Marshall

Policy Group

Preparedness and Security Initiatives


Risk Management

Research, including COVID-19 research

Student Health Services

University Business & Finance

University Business Services

University Housing and Dining

University Technology Office


Yes 93- No 0- Abstain 0




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