

Motion Introduced by: Phil VanderMeer, Senator from the Emeritus College

Date of First Read: April 27, 2020

Date of Second Read: April 27, 2020

Title of Motion: Launch of the General Studies Revision Pilot on the West Campus

Action Requested: The University Academic Council recommends approval of the launch of the pilot General Studies revision program at the West Campus

Rationale: The University Senate General Studies Task Force and the Office of the University Provost have developed a framework for conducting a review and revision of ASU’s General Studies requirement, as requested by Arizona Board of Regents.  In response to the Regents’ request for a cohesive and coherent curriculum aligned with a set of educational values articulated by the Regents, an innovative approach to grouping and offering GS courses around themes has been developed and proposed to be piloted on the West campus in Fall 2020.

This thematic approach to General Studies proposed for the pilot can be viewed as an overlay to existing General Studies distribution requirements courses; however, the approach to general studies curriculum development is significantly different. Members of the University Senate Task Force presented reports to the Senate on the progress of their work on a revised General Studies model in March of 2018 and October of 2019; and a more detailed report on the substance of the proposed launch of a pilot at West Campus was presented to the Senate at its March 2, 2020 meeting. All ASU faculty were invited to participate in an April 6, 2020 forum dedicated to a discussion of the General Studies Revision with opportunities to provide input regarding the revision. About 175 people attended the forum.

As the General Studies revision is a modification to existing curricular offerings, it is a matter of procedure that members of the University Senate provide consent for the proposed launch of the pilot program on the West Campus in Fall 2020. Additionally, it is appropriate for the University Senate to consider a motion to establish guidelines for future stages of implementation of the revised General Studies model, if it is eventually considered for university-wide adoption. These guidelines should include a protocol for review, assessment, and consent of detailed theme proposals and other curricular innovation. This protocol for review should include the General Studies Council, The University Senate’s Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, and the University Senate.

Notes: Related Motion: This motion shares a rationale with Senate Motion SM 2020-81:   The UAC recommends that the Senate, through its designated leadership group, the University Academic Council, establish guidelines for future stages of implementation of the General Studies revision program. These guidelines shall include protocols for review by the General Studies Council, by the Senate’s Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee, and by consent by the University Senate

Procedural Note: Consistent with our current practices, this motion will be introduced for first reading at the April 27th meeting. As the motion is introduced for a first reading, a motion can be made to suspend the rules and allow for the motion to advance immediately to a second reading so it can be discussed at the April 27 meeting, A rationale for suspending the rules should be offered, but a motion to suspend the rules cannot be debated and requires a two-thirds majority to pass. Once a motion is advanced for a second reading and discussion, a motion can be made to postpone the discussion. A motion to postpone discussion requires a two-thirds majority and is not debatable, although a rationale for postponement should be offered.



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