

First reading: via email 11-10-2020

Second reading: November 23, 2020

Proposed courses:

AML 254 Introduction to Dynamics and Control in the Biological and Social Sciences. (3)

APA 370 Indigeneity, Race and Ethnic Relations in Hawaii. (3)

ARC 101 Architecture Project I. (3)

ARC 102 Architecture Project II. (3)

ARC 111 Architecture of Architecture I. (3)

ARC 112 Architecture of Architecture II. (3)

ARC 201 Architecture Project III. (3)

ARC 202 Architecture Project IV. (3)

ARC 301 Architecture Project V. (3)

ARC 302 Architecture Project VI. (3)

ARC 351 Architecture of Collaboration. (1)

ARC 352 Architecture of Leadership. (1)

ARC 353 Architecture of Presentation. (1)

ARC 401 Architecture Studio I. (6)

ARC 402 Architecture Studio II. (6)

ARC 421 Architecture Technology I. (3)

ARC 422 Architecture Technology II. (3)

ARC 441 Architecture Representation. (3)

ARC 501 Advanced Architecture Studio I. (6)

ARC 502 Advanced Architecture Studio II. (6)

ARC 522 Advanced Architecture Technology I. (3)

ARC 531 Advanced Architecture History. (3)

ARC 532 Architectural Theory I. (3)

ARC 541 Advanced Architecture Representation. (3)

ARC 601 Advanced Architecture Studio III. (6)

ARC 602 Advanced Architecture Studio IV. (6)

ARC 621 Advanced Architecture Technology II. (3)

ARC 632 Architectural Theory II. (3)

ARC 651 Architecture Research. (3)

ARC 662 Architecture Practice. (3)

ASB 548 Maternal and Child Health. (3)  | CL: Add BIO 548

BIO 189 School of Life Sciences Undergraduate Research Apprentice. (1)

BLE 338 Foundations of Second Language Acquisition and Development. (3)

DCE 357 Teaching Internship. (1-2)

ENG 408 Gender, Sexualities and Literacies. (3) | CL: Add WST 408

JPN 355 Religious Practice of People in Modern Japan. (3) | CL: Add SLC 355

JPN 430 Buddhist Meditation in East Asia. (3)  | CL: Add SLC 430

MCO 431 Media Entrepreneurship. (3)

MCO 433 Social Media Campaigns, Engagement and Research. (3)

MCO 434 Search Engine Research and Strategy. (3)

PSY 513 Fundamentals in Quantitative Methods. (3)

SGS 466 Migration, Environment and Global Security. (3)  | CL: Add POS 466

SLC 320 Compassion: A Dialogue Between the Humanities, the Sciences and the Arts. (3)

TEL 331 Language and Literacy Methods K - 8. (3)

TEL 571 Educator Scholar Community II. (1)

TEL 572 Educator Scholar Community III. (1)

TWC 371 The Science of Science Communication. (1-3)




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