First reading: via email 1-19-2021
Second reading: February 1, 2021
Proposed courses:
ACC 581 Corporate Governance, Ethics and Sustainability Reporting. (3)
AEE 361 Aerodynamics Laboratory. (3)
AME 325 Technical Lives. (3)
AME 516 Physics-Based Computer Vision. (3) | CL: Add EEE 516
ARB 428 Arab Women's Writing. (3) | CL: Add SLC 428
ARC 432 Architecture History. (3)
ASB 363 From Cells to Society: Understanding Complexity. (3) | CL: Add BIO 363, SOS 363
ASB 448 Maternal and Child Health. (3) | CL: Add BIO 448
ASB 504 Global Health Policy. (3)
ASB 526 Survey Topics in Global Nutrition. (3)
ASL 410 Deaf Culture. (3) | CL: Add SHS 410, SLC 410
BMI 110 Introduction to Python. (3)
BMI 210 Data Structures and Algorithms in Python. (3)
BMI 310 App Development for Clinical and Population Health. (3)
BMI 440 Software Engineering for Biomedical Informatics. (3)
CON 510 Sustainable Bio-Based Construction. (3)
CON 534 Retrofit Construction. (3)
CRJ 523 Seminar in Network Criminology. (3)
EGR 545 Robotic Systems I. (3)
EXW 515 Advanced Exercise Physiology. (3)
FMS 510 Digital Media Studies. (3)
GRK 351 Tales of Troy. (3) | CL: Add SLC 351
GRK 352 The Rise and Fall of Ancient Athens. (3) | CL: Add SLC 352
GRK 353 Alexander and His Empires. (3) | CL: Add SLC 353
HCI 344 Management and Leadership in Health Organizations. (3)
HST 324 Latin American Food: Politics, Economics, Culture and Society. (3) | CL: Add LAS 324
HUL 549 Humanities Lab: Transformative. (3)
IFT 365 Applied Programming Language for Information Technology. (3)
IFT 370 Mobile Computing and Applications for Information Technology. (3)
IFT 380 Advanced Systems Configuration Management. (3)
IFT 420 Cloud Architecture for Information Technology. (3)
IFT 421 Data in the Cloud for Information Technology. (3)
IFT 422 Cloud Security and Operations for Information Technology. (3)
IFT 460 Managing Intelligent Devices in an Enterprise Environment. (3)
IFT 466 Advanced Computer Networks for Information Technology. (3)
KOR 420 Emotions Across Languages, Cultures and History. (3) | CL: Add SLC 420
LAT 143 Roman Civilization. (3) | CL: Add SLC 143
MEE 324 Structural Mechanics Laboratory. (1)
MEE 445 Energy Systems Design I. (1)
MSE 212 Microstructure and Properties Lab. (1)
NEU 101 Introduction to Neuroscience. (3)
NTR 519 Nutrition Therapies for Eating Disorders and Addictions. (3)
SCN 202 Sustainability Science Literacy for Engaged Global Citizens. (4)
SHS 579 Voice and Resonance Disorders. (2)
TEM 300 Career Management for Entrepreneurs and Innovators. (1)
TSS 596 Transborder Studies Capstone. (3)
GIS 520 GIScience Issues and Debates. (3)
GIS 571 Spatial Statistics for Geography and Planning. (3)