

Motion Introduced by:  Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee,

Date of First Reading:    February 1, 2021

Date of Second Reading: March 1, 2021

Title of Motion: Request from the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences – School of Human Evolution and Social Change – for the establishment of a graduate degree – MS in Global Health

Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.   

Rationale: The Master of Science in Global Health will examine the social, cultural, political, ecological and economic dimensions of human life in a globalized era. It will draw on established international partnerships that the School of Human Evolution and Social Change (SHESC) has cultivated (e.g., with global initiatives such as the Demographic & Health Surveys program, and implementers such as Chemonics International) to inform course content and targeted skills for students to participate in the global health workforce. Students will interact with current trends in technical areas (e.g., global nutrition, maternal and child health) as well as cross-cutting areas such as policy and formulating research or program evaluation questions. This program seeks to equip students with the necessary skills to create effective, sustainable, and culturally-appropriate approaches to prevent, assess, and mitigate disease, as well as to critically assess the work of others in their professional environments.



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