

Motion Introduced by:  Constitution and Bylaws Task Force, Tamara Rounds, Chair

Date of First Reading:    March 1, 2021

Date of Second Reading: March 29, 2021

Title of Motion: ACD 112-01 Constitution and Bylaws Revision

Action Requested: The Constitution and Bylaws Task Force Recommends Senate Approval.

Rationale: Article III of the ASU Senate Constitution calls for a review of the Constitution and Bylaws every four years. After review and discussion, the 2020-21 Senate Constitution and Bylaws Task Force proposed the changes covered in this motion. This motion includes all proposed substantive amendments to Article I and Article II of the Constitution and Bylaws.

Policy Proposal: Click on the document in the upper right hand portion of this webpage to review all the Article I and Article II changes.



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academic_assembly_acd112-01_review_article_i.pdf (172.43 KB) 172.43 KB