
2021- 51

Motion Introduced by:  Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee,

Date of First Reading:    March 29, 2021

Date of Second Reading: April 26, 2021

Title of Motion: Request from the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College – Division of Teacher Preparation – for the establishment of a graduate certificate – Teacher Certification

Action Requested: This curricular proposal has received all college, school, unit and university administrative approvals, and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.   

Rationale: With nearly 90,000 undergraduate students attending ASU, Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College has the opportunity to close the teaching gap in Arizona and nationally by broadening the pipeline of future teachers through creating strategic opportunities for undergraduate students enrolled in other majors to become certified teachers by applying to the Teacher Certification graduate certificate and completing the certificate in two semesters after graduating from their undergraduate degree program. This teacher certification program provides additional access to students who are seeking teacher certification at the post-baccalaureate level and do not have the time, resources, or need to seek a full master’s degree. However, students may have the option to complete a master’s degree in an additional semester. The structure not only serves current graduates, but will also serve the over 1000 people currently holding full-time employment without a teacher certification.



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