

First reading: via email November 10, 2021

Second reading: November 22, 2021

Proposed courses:

 ABS 100        Discovering the Professions

ABS 200        Building Your Professional Self

ABS 300        Career Competencies and Skills

ABS 365        Future of Agriculture: Vertical Farming

ABS 369        Hydroponic Food Crop Production

AGB 370        Food Retailing Strategy Development and Case Competition

ARS 221        Museum and Heritage Histories, Theories and Debates

ARS 323        Curatorial Activism

ARS 331        18th- and 19th-Century European Jewelry Design

ARS 555        Museums and Social Justice

ASM 564        Models of Social Evolution

BIO 452         Philosophy of Biology and Medicine

CDE 414        The School-Aged Child: Development in the Elementary Years

CEE 574        Transportation Systems Planning

ECN 304        Classical to Modern Economic Thought

FAS 201        Careers in Family and Human Development

FAS 290        Introduction to Social Science Research

GCO 510       Fieldwork Preparatory

GCO 530       Genetic Counseling Fundamentals

GCO 540       Foundations of Medical Genetics

GCO 560       Practice of Genetic Counseling

GCO 570       Clinical Genetics

GCO 610       Laboratory Fundamentals & Population Screening

GCO 620       Genetic Counseling Techniques

GCO 625       Cultural, Ethical & Legal Aspects of Genetics

GCO 630       Advanced Genetic Counseling Techniques

GCO 650       Cancer, Cardiac Genomics and Precision Medicine

GCO 660       Professional Issues for Genetic Counselors

GIT 445          360 Production

GIT 545          360 Production

IAP 335          Acting for the Camera

IAP 341          History of Anime

IAP 366          3D Modeling and Media Literacy

IAP 367          Motion Graphics and Animation

IPI 196           Fundamentals of Inquiry

IPI 241           Designing and Making for an Interplanetary Future

IPI 441           Advanced Designing and Making for an Interplanetary Future

MKT 562        Advanced Analytics for Marketing Decisions

MLS 520        Ecologies of Possibility: Creative and Critical Approaches

MSC 212       Intermediate Music Production

MSC 472       Songwriter/Producer Specialization

NEU 325        Biopsychology

NUR 547        Community, Global and Population Health

NUR 620        Mixed Methods for Health Science Research and Practice

PHI  371        Philosophy of Sport

POP 633        Population Health Ethics

PSY 467        Psychology of Criminal Investigation

PSY 505        Cognitive Psychology: Theories and Applications

SOC 201        Careers in Sociology

SOC 490        Advanced Sociological Research Methods

SOC 491        Advanced Sociological Perspectives

SPE 581        Dual Certification Residency

TEL 477         Internship: Advanced

THP 216        Stage Technology



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