

Motion Introduced by: Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee

Date of First Reading:    March 28, 2022

Date of Second Reading: April 25, 2022

Title of Motion:  Revision of CAPC Bylaws, ACD 112-01: Academic Constitution and Bylaw, Bylaw II.B.8.a

Action Requested: Revision of ACD 112-01 bylaws related to the Curriculum and Academic Programs Committee.

Rationale: CAPC bylaws have not been thoroughly reviewed or updated by the committee itself for many years.  The revisions provide clarity related to CAPC, its membership, purpose/function, and relationships, and makes changes reflecting current University programs.



Additional Documents

Attachment Size
capc_bylaws_amendments_.pdf (205.08 KB) 205.08 KB
changes_and_rationale_for_changes_to_capc_bylaws.pdf (208.79 KB) 208.79 KB