

Motion Introduced by:  University Senate Student-Faculty Policy Committee

Date of Motion:  February 27, 2023

Title of Motion:  Resolution to Amend ACD 304-10, Course Syllabi

Action Requested:  Amendment of ACD 304-10


WHEREAS, Arizona State University is measured not by whom we exclude, but by whom we include and how they succeed, and by assuming fundamental responsibility for the economic, social, cultural and overall health of the communities it serves;

WHEREAS, there is an increasing incidence of mental health issues among college-aged students, with a nationwide, multi-campus study (Healthy Minds Network, sponsored by NIH) showing a 135% increase in depression and a 110% increase in anxiety among college-aged students from 2013-2021, and a doubling of the number of students experiencing mental health problems from 2013-2021;

WHEREAS, Educational Outreach and Student Services (EOSS) offers a guide to Basic Needs Resources and Student Advocacy and Assistance, but many students and faculty are not aware of the resources available to students through the university;

WHEREAS, Arizona State University promotes diversity, equity, and inclusion through the Office of Inclusive Excellence and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion, as well as numerous committees at the college or unit level;

WHEREAS, the Arizona State University Senate remains committed to supporting all students inside and outside of the classroom;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Arizona State University Senate, representing members of the Academic Assembly:

  1. supports the emendation of ACD 304-10, “Course Syllabi,” by the addition of the following four resources, to be the new Points 8-11 in the said policy:

         availability of ASU Counseling Services providing counseling and crisis services for students               who are experiencing a mental health concern

         availability of ASU Health Services dedicated to the well-being and educational success of                 each individual student by providing high-quality health care that is accessible, affordable and             compassionate

         availability of the ASU Office of Diversity, Equity and Inclusion and the Office of Inclusive                     Excellence, dedicated to supporting and fostering a culture of inclusiveness, promoting and                 assisting with equal opportunity and diversity initiatives

         availability of Basic Needs Resources and Student Advocacy and Assistance providing                       guidance and assistance in connecting students with campus and community resources as                 well as additional access to one-on-one guidance in resolving personal challenges and                       concerns.  



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