Arizona State University
University Senate
Senate Motion #2023-50
Motion Introduced by: Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning, Co-Chairs Stefan Stantchev and Lisa Kammerlocher
Date of First Reading: 27 February 2023
Date of Second Reading: 27 March 2023
Title of Motion: Motion to Transition the Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning Committee from an Ad Hoc Committee to a Standing Committee of the University Senate.
Action Requested: Creation of a standing Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning Committee senate-provost committee with representation across the university
Whereas online and digitally-enhanced teaching and learning is growing exponentially at Arizona State University,
Whereas, faculty and academic professionals need a forum to serve as a conduit for faculty to bring ideas, suggestions, and concerns related to teaching and learning technology to the administration,
Whereas, the Provost Office, Enterprise Technology Office, and EdPlus need a forum for gathering feedback from faculty and academic professionals on technology matters,
Whereas, the membership of the Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning Committee needs representation from all colleges (or school), and the library,
We propose the following:
The Ad Hoc Committee on Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning proposes
-- amending Bylaw II.B.1.c. by adding to
“3. the Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning Committee (DETL)”
-- amending the University Senate Bylaws II.B.9 (new subsection c)
recommending the creation of a new standing committee Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning Committee. DETL (Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning) is an advisory committee serving the University Senate and the Provost Office. DETL is a communication and consultation hub. DETL brings faculty and academic professional inquiries, interests, and proposals to the attention of the administration. DETL also offers feedback and advice to the Administration on matters related to technology and learning.
[9.. Other committees of the University Senate]
c. Digitally Enhanced Teaching and Learning Committee
1. Membership
a. Voting Members:
1. Each college or school and the Library shall have one member, who is elected or appointed depending on the unit bylaws.
2. Voting members must be members of the academic assembly and may not hold a primary administrative position of director or higher at the time of election/appointment.
3. Members who become administrators/directors during their DETL term may continue to serve out their term of office but will recuse themselves from any vote related to their unit.
b. Ex officio nonvoting members: Ex officio nonvoting members include: Provost’s Executive Director of Learning Technology, Executive Director of Learning Experience, Vice Dean of Educational Initiatives at EdPlus, and ASU Library Division Head for E-Learning and Instruction or their designees
c. Length of term. The term of the elected/appointed members shall be two years, with no limit on consecutive terms served. It is recommended that one-half of the elected/appointed members be replaced each year.
d. Removal. Unless excused, DETL members shall attend each DETL meeting or provide a substitute if unable to attend. Two consecutive absences without cause will result in that unit's seat being vacated and a request for a new representative.
2. Purpose and function. To serve in a policy-forming and advising capacity in:
-- Assisting in the communication and collaboration between and among various constituencies and communities of learning technology users, including consultation with leadership in academic technology, and planning and implementation;
--Drafting policies under the jurisdiction of the University Senate as they relate to the academic uses of information technology;
--Advising the University Senate, the Provost, and other members of the University community involved in planning, developing, implementing, and applying learning technology campus-wide
--Offering consultation and feedback to the administration on matters of security and privacy when using ASU infotech systems;
--Fostering the continuous development and improvement of digital learning practices in general.
--Promoting effective leveraging of digital technologies in service of underrepresented populations.
--Promoting communication about best practices related to digitally-enhanced and learning opportunities that showcase technologies.
a. The chair of the DETL is a member of the Executive Committee.
b. DETL maintains liaison relationships with the Provost, Learning Experience, EdPlus, and Instructional Technology Advisory Committee or their designees.