

Motion Introduced by:  LaDawn Haglund

Date of First Reading:  February 27, 2023

Date of Second Reading:  March 27, 2023

Title of Motion:  Reassertion of the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion

Action Requested:  DEI Resolution Approval


WHEREAS, the Arizona Board of Regents upholds the values of Critical Thinking, Intercultural Competencies, Civility, and Diversity and Inclusion through its general education guidelines

WHEREAS, the ASU Charter and its mission foreground diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) principles in defining the university by whom it includes rather than excludes

WHEREAS, a diverse curriculum better reflects, supports, and celebrates the diverse experiences, cultures, worldviews, and educational needs of our student body at ASU, of Arizona, and of the wider world in which we live

WHEREAS, DEI initiatives improve recruitment, admission, retention, and success for faculty, students and staff at all ranks and levels by addressing historical barriers to education, thereby bolstering the intellectual and economic life of the state and the nation

WHEREAS, diverse perspectives create a richer “marketplace of ideas” in the classroom and on campus, thereby spurring innovation, attracting funding, and generating new, creative opportunities

WHEREAS, cultural competency, crucial for success in our interconnected world, requires openness to diverse perspectives

WHEREAS, historical exclusion of marginalized voices and people from academic spaces has perpetuated ignorance and bias, exacerbated conflict, and harmed individuals and communities

WHEREAS, research and teaching responsive to DEI better supports and empowers the communities that we serve 

WHEREAS, support for DEI fosters a sense of safety, respect, empathy, and connection that facilitates the sharing of ideas, authenticity, and belonging

WHEREAS, current attacks on DEI, both nationally and locally, threaten our collective commitments and achievements 

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Faculty Senate endorses Arizona State University’s efforts to support and advance the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion

Penny Ann Dolin, Senate President and Chair of the UAC

Maureen McCoy, President, Downtown Phoenix campus

Elisa Kawam, President-elect, Downtown Phoenix campus

Johannah Uriri-Glover, Past-president, Downtown Phoenix campus

Scotty Craig, President, Polytechnic campus

Taylor Weiss, President-elect, Polytechnic campus

LaDawn Haglund, President, Tempe campus

Pauline Davies, President-elect, Tempe campus

Greg Stone, Past-president, Tempe campus

Hala King, President, West campus

Barry Moon, President-elect, West campus

Mary Burleson, Past-president, West campus

Philip VanderMeer, Secretary, Academic Assembly and University Senate



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