

Motion Introduced by:  University Academic Council (UAC)

Date of First Reading:  October 30, 2023

Date of Second Reading:  October 30, 2023

Title of Motion:  Resolution Supporting President Crow’s Open Letter to ASU Faculty and Staff on Protection of Faculty from Threats to Their Academic Freedom

Action Requested:  The University Academic Council recommends approval of this resolution


WHEREAS, Arizona State University values the academic freedom of all members of the ASU community;

WHEREAS, Arizona State University has been targeted by individuals and groups espousing hateful ideas;

WHEREAS, speech in the form of threats to persons or groups is not protected under the Constitution or University policies;

WHEREAS, Arizona State University President Michael Crow, on October 14, 2023, issued an open letter to ASU faculty and staff articulating the University’s commitment to protecting the academic freedom of faculty members and protecting them from bullying, intimidation, or threats from groups or individuals challenging that freedom; and

WHEREAS, Arizona Board of Regents Chair Fred DuVal issued a statement affirming and endorsing President Crow’s letter;

THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Arizona State University Senate, representing all faculty members and academic professionals:

1. publicly asserts and affirms support for President Crow’s clear and timely letter of October 14, 2023;

2. affirms its commitment to support faculty against bullying, intimidation, or threats, and to work with the ASU administration in this effort.

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