

Motion Introduced by: Senator Vander Meer        

Date of First Reading: February 26, 2024

Date of Second Reading: March 25, 2024

Title of Motion: Substantive Amendments to the Senate Constitution

Action Requested: This motion and amendments are proposed by the Constitution and Bylaw Task Force and approved by the University Academic Council. It is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.

Rationale: These nine amendments require approval by the Senate and the Academic Assembly. Three measures clarify that membership in the Academic Assembly includes those who are at least 50% FTE. Three other measures deal with the Senate’s “Functions and Authority,” updating and expanding the areas of Senate interest. Two measures update the Senate’s processes by using electronic records and communication. Another measure clarifies that Senate voting is restricted to elected senators and leaders. A final measure revises ASU’s representation on the Arizona Faculty Council, which ratifies revisions of the Arizona Faculty Council Bylaws which the three Arizona university faculty representatives endorsed in June 2023.



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Substantive_Amendments_to_the_Senate_Constitution.pdf (178.35 KB) 178.35 KB