

Motion Introduced by: Senator Vander Meer

Date of First Reading: February 26, 2024

Date of Second Reading: March 25, 2024

Title of Motion: Perfecting Amendments to the Senate Bylaws

Action Requested: This motion and amendments are proposed by the Constitution and Bylaw Task Force and approved by the University Academic Council. It is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.

Rationale: The Senate Constitution requires a review of the document every four years to determine if any changes are needed to either the Constitution or the Bylaws. These proposed changes to the Bylaws are “perfecting amendment,” which address “cosmetic corrections,” and only require approval by the Senate.

This motion is to approve eleven perfecting amendments to the Bylaws. All of these involved correcting and updating names and titles.



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Proposed Changes to the Senate Bylaws SM2024-69_0.pdf (123.49 KB) 123.49 KB