Motion Introduced by: University Academic Council (UAC)
Date of First Reading: March 25, 2024
Date of Second Reading: March 25, 2024
Title of Motion: Resolution opposing HB 2735
Action Requested: The University Academic Council recommends approval of this resolution
The Arizona legislature is currently considering HB 2735, which proposes to alter the nature of university governance by removing the traditional standard of “shared governance.” We believe such an action would be highly detrimental to the core functioning of the university and harmful to faculty, staff, students as well as the broader community statewide. We oppose any proposal that would diminish or obstruct this valuable tradition.
Nearly all universities across the nation operate according to standards of shared governance. In essence, this is decision-making that incorporates input from the governing board, the administration (president and leadership), and the faculty, thereby maximizing the benefit of the expertise inherent to each of these levels. It is grounded in transparency whereby all parties have a measure of influence and input on matters affecting the university.
As the ASU Senate’s statement on shared governance explains:
“Shared governance establishes the ethos and structures that enable divergent ideas to be proposed OR put on the table, debated for their merits, shaped for the larger good of the university community, and put to use in a timely manner. Shared governance is the keystone that enables the Academic Assembly and the administrative leadership to sustain and advance the university’s mission, effectiveness, and reputation.”
“A commitment to shared governance is essential to the advancement of the university’s mission. At a minimum, shared governance leads to better decision-making, stronger collegiality, and the construction and maintenance of relationships of trust and mutual accord; it sets for all to see an extensive example of democratic governance, it warrants that decisions are based on a vast array of cutting-edge knowledge and information, and it ensures that policies and actions are based on long-term values rather than short-term goals.”
We reassert these values and this reasoning and strongly oppose HB 2735.