

Motion Introduced by: Student Faculty Policy Committee

Date of First Reading: April 29, 2024

Date of Second Reading: September 9, 2024

Title of Motion: Non-grade grievance policies

Action Requested: This proposal has been reviewed by the Student Faculty Policy committee and is being presented to the Senate for review and voting decision.

Rationale: Grade related grievance policies are clearly stated for all ASU Colleges and Schools, which ensures a fair process for the students, faculty, and administrators involved in the grievance. The policies for non-grade grievances are not clearly defined across all Colleges/Schools. The Student Faculty Policy Committee believes that students, faculty, and administrators would benefit if the process was transparent, consistent, and enforced.  After reviewing existing policies, the committee recommends the following general approach be adopted by all units, with modifications as necessary.

Undergraduate Students who have a grievance that is not related to their grade may file a complaint by following the steps below. Non-grade grievances may include dissatisfaction with an instructor, problems with a classmate, or other unresolved situations. If the issue involves a possible violation of Title IX, the Office of Student Rights and Responsibilities or the Office of University Rights and Responsibilities will be contacted as appropriate.

 Step 1: The student contacts the instructor to describe the reason for the grievance. The student and faculty meet to discuss. If this does not resolve the issue, move on to step 2

Step 2: The student contacts the appropriate leadership in the Unit to discuss the grievance. If the issue is not resolved, move on to step 3.

Step 3: The student meets with the appropriate leader in the College or School. If the issue is unresolved, the College or School leadership may contact the Dean of Students or other ASU leadership.



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