Senate Spotlight April 2018
This month's Senator Spotlight is on Stefania Tracogna
What unit do you represent?
The School of Mathematical and Statistical Sciences.
How many years have you served in the Senate?
Six years.
How many years have you been employed at ASU?
20 years.
What other institutions have you taught at before coming to ASU?
I have not taught at any other institution.
What is your research and/or creative activities focus?
I work on developing new ways to engage students in the learning process. In recent years my main focus has been in the creation and delivery of online courses.
Why did you decide to get involved with the Senate?
I was elected by my colleagues in 2012. At the time I knew very little about shared governance, but I was excited to learn and get involved in the workings of the university as a whole.
Describe what you have learned during your time in the Senate.
I learned how the faculty can have a voice in developing ASU policies. I have learned about the process of approving new courses and programs, about the role of the various Senate committees, and how the Senate works with the ASU administration. I have met faculty members and administrators outside my unit that I would never have met otherwise, and I greatly appreciate the effort our faculty puts into shared governance.
What committees have you participated in, or would like to participate in and what were you able to (or hope to) accomplish?
I have been a member of the Library Liaison Committee, and I have served twice on the Senate Constitution and Bylaws Task Force. I am currently a member of the Student Faculty Policy Committee and the Non Tenure Eligible subcommittee of the Senate Personnel Committee (SFPC). The SFPC has been working on several issues, including withdrawal policies, academic integrity, course enrollment limits, and fair allocation of graders and instructional assistants. The NTE subcommittee is working on possible resolutions of issues specific to lecturers and instructors.
What would you say to your peers who might be considering accepting a nomination or nominating himself or herself for a position in the Senate?
I would encourage them to get involved and regard this experience as an opportunity for personal growth. Being a senator gives a broader prospective on the workings of the university. I would also strongly encourage them to serve on a Senate committee, as this is the most effective way to have an influence on policy making.