Senator Spotlight December 2018

This month's Senator Spotlight is on Joyce Martin

What unit do you represent?  

ASU Library

How many years have you served in the Senate?   

This is my second year in the Senate.

How many years have you been employed at ASU?  

I have been employed at ASU since 1997, and I have worked in the Hayden Library on the Tempe campus since 1999.

What is your research and/or creative activities focus?   

My areas of interest are library and information science, and archival theory and practice.

Why did you decide to get involved with the Senate?  

In Library Assembly I was always interested in the information passed on by the Library’s representatives to the ASU Senate. I am honored to have the opportunity to be a part of the faculty governing body.

Describe what you have learned during your time in the Senate.  

As Senator I have learned so much about the University as a whole and about the Library’s place within it. I have also learned how much I enjoy wonky policy details about the administration of a large University.

What committees have you participated in, or would like to participate in and what were you able to (or hope to) accomplish? 

I am a member of the University Services and Facilities Committee. As a working mother myself I am very proud to have been a member of the subcommittee which researched and produced an official memo on the need for additional lactation rooms for nursing mothers at ASU. I am also the chair of the Academic Professional Grievance Committee.

What would you say to your peers who might be considering accepting a nomination or nominating himself or herself for a position in the Senate? 

If you have an opportunity to run for Senate, please do so. It is time well spent.



Joyce Martin