Senator Spotlight March 2016
The March Senator Spotlight is on Judy Krysik
What unit do you represent?
I represent the School of Social Work in the College of Public Service and Community Solutions.
How many years have you served on the Senate?
2 years.
How many years have you been employed at ASU? What other institutions have you taught at before coming to ASU?
I am in my 11th year at ASU, and prior I held positions at the University of Calgary and the University of Denver.
What is your research and/or creative activities focus?
My current research focuses primarily on infants and toddlers who have been removed from their parents care for reasons of child abuse and neglect. As Director of the newly approved ASU Center for Child Well-Being I work with faculty, students and staff to conduct research and evaluation, develop training, and provide outreach to the community.
Why did you decide to get involved with the Senate?
I was nominated by my colleagues and thought it would be a great opportunity to learn more about a different level of university operations.
Describe what you have learned during your time on the Senate.
As a member of the Senate I have learned what role the Senate plays, about the various committees, and how closely the Senate works with ASU administration on a variety of important issues.
What committees have you participated in, or would like to participate in and what were you able to (or hope to) accomplish.
This year I participated on the Graduate Dean Search Committee, and for the past two years I have served on the Committee on Committees. This year I worked hard to develop a slate of nominees for the Downtown Campus. I enjoyed talking to my downtown colleagues about considering to serve on the Senate. I found that it is important to plant the seed so that if someone cannot run in the present year because of existing commitments, they might commit to considering a nomination in the following year or two.
What would you say to your peers who might be considering accepting a nomination or nominating themselves for a position on the Senate?
Participating on the Senate is a great way to meet colleagues from other departments and campuses, and it provides opportunities for interaction with ASU administrators and Regents. I have learned so much about the operations of ASU, and I have developed a greater awareness of issues of higher education in general. To my peers, please put your names forward to serve on the Senate.
Any final comments you might have.
I very much appreciate our Senate leadership. Senate President Brenda Hosley makes the meetings enjoyable with her health quiz questions and her sense of humor. She is extremely efficient at getting through a full agenda. Our Senate committee chairs work very hard to serve ASU. Thank you for all you do!