Senator Spotlight October 2018

This month's Senator Spotlight is on John Dallmus

What unit do you represent?

W.P. Carey School of Accountancy.

How many years have you served in the Senate? 

I am in my 3rd year of service.

How many years have you been employed at ASU?

I joined the faculty in August of 2000.

What other institutions have you taught at before coming to ASU? 

Glendale Community College

What is your research and/or creative activities focus?

In addition to teaching a variety of courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels, I have developed three online courses: one for the W.P. Carey School’s highly ranked online MBA program, one that is required for all undergraduate online business degrees, and most recently, one that is part of our new 100% online Bachelor of Arts in Corporate Accounting degree program.

Why did you decide to get involved with the Senate?  

I felt at the time I expressed an interest in becoming a member of the Senate, and still feel, that it provides a great opportunity to serve the University, while learning more about its inner workings and shared governance.

Describe what you have learned during your time in the Senate.

Through my service in the Senate, I have gained valuable insight into the process of approving new courses, certificates, and degree programs. Additionally, my time in the Senate has helped me achieve a better appreciation for the size and diversity of the University and the many fronts on which it endeavors to deliver high quality services to its stakeholders.

What committees have you participated in, or would like to participate in and what were you able to (or hope to) accomplish? 

I served two years on the University Services and Facilities Committee. During that time, the committee addressed concerns raised by faculty regarding facility cleaning and maintenance, emergency preparedness, pedestrian-only zone enforcement, smoking ban enforcement, and campus lighting sufficiency to name a few.

What would you say to your peers who might be considering accepting a nomination or nominating himself or herself for a position in the Senate? 

I strongly encourage my peers to consider serving in the Senate and its committees, not only for the reasons stated above, but also for the opportunity to meet and work with members from a variety of academic and support units they would not likely engage with otherwise.

John Dallmus