Motion Introduced by: Chris Kyselka, President, Polytechnic campus
Title of Motion: Resolution opposing Senate Bill 1123 - disruption; educational institution; concealed weapon.
Whereas, the University Senate at Arizona State University previously adopted Senate Resolutions 2010-78, 2011-27, 2012-28 and 2016-31 in opposition to allowing firearms on university campuses;
Whereas, the University Senate has continued support from representative members including Senate Meeting #5 on January 31, 2022 where we reaffirm opposition to guns on campus;
Whereas, the Chief of the Arizona State University Police Department has publicly expressed a clear rationale for not allowing firearms on our campuses;
Whereas, the Arizona Board of Regents voted unanimously in 2016 to oppose House Bill 2072 and House Bill 2338 allowing certain permit holders to carry on campus;
Whereas, access and proximity to weapons in an educational environment is not consistent with the goals of learning, open communication and intellectual exchange in the university community;
Therefore, the University Senate, representing over 3,600 faculty members and academic professionals at Arizona State University, announces its unqualified opposition to SB1123, and any additional guns on campus legislation that might be developed during this current legislative session. The University Senate finds the current proposed legislation to be a clear danger to the safety, security, and sense of well-being of students, staff, and faculty.
University Academic Council
Eduardo Pagán, University Senate President and Chair of the University Academic Council
Johannah Uriri-Glover, President, Downtown Phoenix campus
Maureen McCoy, President-Elect, Downtown Phoenix Campus
Ann Sebren, Past President, Downtown Phoenix Campus
Chris Kyselka, President, Polytechnic campus
Scotty Craig, President-Elect, Polytechnic Campus
Penny Dolin, Past President, Polytechnic Campus
LaDawn Haglund, President, Tempe Campus
Susanne Neuer, President-Elect, Tempe Campus
Greg Stone, Past President, Tempe Campus
Mary Burleson, President, West Campus
Hala King, President-Elect, West Campus
Stefan Stantchev, Past President, West Campus
Philip VanderMeer, Secretary, Academic Assembly and University Senate