YOUR NAME: Anne Walton-Ramirez
What unit do you represent? School of International Letters & Cultures (SILC)
YOUR NAME: Anne Walton-Ramirez
What unit do you represent? School of International Letters & Cultures (SILC)
YOUR NAME: Shanondora Billiot
What unit do you represent?
School of Social Work, Watts College
How many years have you served in the Senate?
YOUR NAME: Brad Vogus
What unit do you represent? ASU Library
Francisco (Cisco) J. Sánchez
What unit do you represent?
School of Counseling & Counseling Psychology
YOUR NAME: Alex Trimble Young
What unit do you represent? Barrett, the Honors College
YOUR NAME: Laverne Dacosta
What unit do you represent?
I represent the Polytechnic Social Science unit, College of Integrative Sciences and Arts (CISA).
YOUR NAME: Sangmi Lee
What unit do you represent?
The School of Social and Behavioral Sciences (SSBS), New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (NCIAS), West Valley campus
YOUR NAME: Whitney Hansen
What unit do you represent? Psychology on the Tempe Campus
YOUR NAME: Elisa Jayne Bienenstock
What unit do you represent? School of Public Affairs (Watts College of Public Service and Community Solutions).
YOUR NAME: Chris Kyselka
What unit do you represent?
I represent The Polytechnic School, Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.