What to do about a positive case?
What should I do if a student tells me about a positive test result?
If you learn of a student who tests positive, please email the student’s name and ASU ID# to deanofstudents@asu.edu as soon as possible, so we may provide support and care to the student. We will share the information with ASU Health Services to assist in determining next steps and to assess the student’s contact with others. We ask that you maintain the privacy afforded to the individual by refraining from sharing this information with anyone else, even if the student chooses to share with others. Remember that student health information is protected under FERPA.
Will I be notified if a student in my class tests positive?
Not all students will be in-person for the fall semester, so unless the student grants permission to share the positive test result, faculty will not be notified when a student taking courses only in ASU Sync has tested positive. For students who have spent time in the classroom, we will support the process of case identification and contact tracing which will determine if the faculty member needs to be notified.
If a student in my class tests positive should I teach class remotely for the next two weeks?
Our community has committed to reducing the risk of transmission through face coverings, physical distancing, and occupancy limits in classrooms. If a student tests positive in your course, our health and facilities professionals will initiate the proper cleaning and notifications as quickly as possible. We will communicate with you about any required adjustments to course location. Some individuals who had close contact with the person who tested positive may be asked to quarantine for fourteen days as a precaution.
Shouldn’t everyone in my class take a COVID-19 test or quarantine if possibly exposed?
Determinations about what should occur – quarantine and follow-up testing – will begin immediately upon awareness of a positive case. Only close contacts or high-risk exposures (less than 6 feet distance for greater than 10 minutes) will be asked to quarantine as a result of their possible exposure. The analysis of close contacts is done by ASU medical professionals based on information informed by CDC guidance, emerging science associated with transmission risk, and interviews with the student/staff/faculty positive. To assist individuals in monitoring their own health, we have testing available for anyone who wishes to know their health status related to COVID-19.
More questions?
Please feel free to reach out directly to the Dean of Students at 480-965-6547.
See also the faculty FAQ site: provost.asu.edu/sync/faculty/FAQ