Resolution in Support of ASU President Michael M. Crow’s Statement on Free Speech, Civil Discourse and Student Conduct
Senate Business
At the December 2, 2019 meeting, the University Academic Council (UAC) introduced for discussion Motion 2020-33, a resolution affirming Senate support for the November 20 Statement from ASU President Michael M. Crow on Free Speech, Civil Discourse and Student Conduct. Discussion was postponed until the February 3 Senate meeting so Senators could have more time to consult with faculty and academic professionals in their respective academic programs before voting on the resolution.
The issue of free speech on college and university campuses has been featured often in mainstream and higher education media recently. If you are interested in some background information, here are some sites that might be useful: American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) “Speech on Campus”; the American Association of University Professors (AAUP) “Tale of Two Arguments about Free Speech on Campus”; and Foundation for Individual Rights in Educations (FIRE) “Faculty Rights and Resources”.
For more information about the University’s official stance on freedom of expression, see the ASU Office of the University Provost Statement of Freedom of Expression and the Arizona Board of Regents Committee on Free Expression Annual Report. FIRE’s “School Spotlight” on Arizona State University includes convenient links to relevant policies and documents at ASU.
If you are aware of other relevant and useful information, please let me know.
Shirley Rose
University Senate President and Chair of the University Academic Council