Library Liaison Committee
Purpose and Functions
The Library Liaison Committee shall advise the University Librarian on policies and strategic issues relating to the University Libraries and issues pertaining to innovations in forms of scholarly communication. It assists the library administration in determining the effect on collection development policy of new or changing programs, changing patterns of faculty and student use of the library and its resources, and the varied needs of the different disciplines.
Membership Guidelines
The committee shall be composed of at least four members of the Academic Assembly appointed by the Chair of the UAC, in consultation with the chair of the University Services and Facilities Committee to staggered two-year terms, and the Chair-Elect of the Librarians Assembly elected by librarians to serve a one-year term. Committee selection will be based on representation from all campuses and a variety of disciplines. The committee members will elect a chair from the membership. The University Librarian shall serve as an ex officio, non-voting member. The University Librarian does not serve as chair, but will work with the chair in structuring the agenda. Constituted after passage of Senate motion 2011-14.
Roster 2024-2025
- Heather Maring, English 2025
- Pierre Herckes, School of Molecular Sciences, Tempe 2026
- Rick Trinkner, Criminology and Criminal Justice, Downtown Phoenix 2026
- Chris Kyselka, The Polytechnic School, Polytechnic 2026
- Nisa Goksel, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, West Valley 2026
- Lauren Savaglio, College of Health Solutions, Downtown Phoenix campus 2025
Ex officio:
- James O'Donnell, University Librarian