University Senate Executive Committee

Purpose and Function

  • To prepare the agenda for meetings of the University Senate. Each agenda shall reserve time for the university president to bring matters to the senate and for reports from senate committees
  • To facilitate the actions of the senate as it acts upon faculty and academic professional business
  • To evaluate continuously the committee structure of the senate and of the university, and to recommend improvements thereof to the senate
  • To provide advice to the UAC and to senate committee chairs, and to coordinate their functions
  • To direct pending business of the senate to the appropriate committee(s)
  • To perform other functions as the senate and UAC may direct.

Membership Guidelines

  • Ex officio voting members: the members of the UAC, the secretary of the University Senate, the parliamentarian of the University Senate, the chairs of University Senate standing committees
  • Ex officio nonvoting members: the university president, the provost of the university, a representative of Undergraduate Student Government, and the president of the Graduate and Professional Students Association
  • The chair of the UAC or his or her designee shall preside.

Roster 2024-2025

Elisa KawamSenate President and Chair of the UAC

Downtown Phoenix campus:

Polytechnic campus:

Tempe campus:

West campus:


Secretary for the Academic Assembly:

2024-2025 Senate Standing Committee Chairs:

Ex officio non-voting members:

  • Michael M. Crow, University President
  • Nancy Gonzales, Executive Vice President and University Provost
  • Graduate and Professional Students Association Representative
  • Undergraduate Student Representative