Senator Spotlight January 2023
Senator Spotlight
NAME: Shauna Grant
What unit do you represent?
I represent the College of Health Solutions.
How many years have you served in the Senate?
This is my second year with the ASU Senate.
How many years have you been employed at ASU?
I’m currently in my eighth year at ASU.
What other institutions have you taught at before coming to ASU?
My first teaching experience was as a graduate teaching assistant for ASU while I worked on my degree. I then taught within the Maricopa Community College system, as both adjunct and full-time faculty, before coming back to my roots at ASU.
What is your research and/or creative activities focus?
I’m a registered dietitian with a background in clinical nutrition in acute care settings. I’m interested in activities that allow students to experience clinical settings in an environment where they feel safe to make, and learn, from mistakes. This is accomplished primarily through low-fidelity simulations, but increasing the number of activities using high-fidelity simulation methods is a current goal. Providing opportunities for students to work with other members of the interdisciplinary healthcare team is another area of focus.
Why did you decide to get involved with the Senate?
Prior to joining the Senate, my service commitments were primarily at the unit and college level. The Senate appealed to me since it involved the University as a whole and I wanted to gain insight into shared governance.
Describe what you have learned (or hope to learn) during your time in the Senate?
My first year on the Senate was primarily spent learning how the Senate operates, including learning the ‘lingo’, so to speak. I appreciated the opportunities to learn about resources that I was not aware existed at ASU and then pass this information on to faculty in my unit. I’ve really enjoyed being part of the Personnel Committee this year since it has allowed me to interact with members from other units beyond the faculty at the Downtown Phoenix campus. This committee experience has highlighted the differences in policies and procedures among the diverse set of units that make up ASU.
What committees have you participated in, or would like to participate in and what were you able to (or hope to) accomplish?
I joined the Personnel Committee beginning in the Fall 2022 semester. One of our primary goals this year is to examine the differences and similarities among the schools, colleges and libraries in regards to personnel issues, such as merit. As a committee, we hope to support equality among all of the faculty and academic professionals at ASU, regardless of the units they represent.
What would you say to your peers who might be considering accepting a nomination or nominating himself or herself for a position in the University Senate?
I would highly encourage my peers to serve on the Senate. ASU is made up of a large and diverse group of professionals. The Senate provides a single space for representatives of these diverse groups to meet. It is a place to learn about University resources that benefit faculty, academic professionals and students. It provides a forum to express concerns, make suggestions, recognize accomplishments, etc. The Senate provides a way to make and influence change for the betterment of the ASU community.