Governance Grievance Committee

Purpose and Functions

The committee shall follow the policies and procedures for grievances established in ASU policy ACD 509–02, “Grievance Policy for Faculty.The committee shall hear cases assigned to it by the Clearinghouse Committee. These cases are normally cases other than those involving academic freedom and tenure or discrimination. Such cases include grievances involving salary inequities, teaching assignment, access to equipment, and any unfair treatment of faculty by other faculty or administrators.

Membership Guidelines

Twelve members: six from the Tempe campus and two each from the Downtown campus, the Polytechnic campus and the West campus. Members shall be elected by the Academic Assembly from among tenured professors and tenured associate professors for a period of three years. Assembly members may vote only for those nominees for their campus. One-third of the elected members shall be replaced each year. Members may not hold administrative positions of department chair or higher.

Roster 2024-2025


  • H.L.T. Quan, Justice and Social Inquiry in the School of Social Transformation, Tempe campus, 2026



  • JP Hyatt, CISA - School of Applied Sciences and Arts, Downtown Phoenix campus, 2025
  • Wendy Williams, CISA - School of Applied Sciences and Arts, Polytechnic campus, 2026
  • Tricia Redeker-Hepner, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, West Valley campus, 2026
  • Nicole Lee, School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, West Valley campus, 2027
  • Michelle ZandiehCISA - School of Applied Sciences and Arts, Polytechnic campus, 2027
  • Kent Wright, School of Civic and Economic Thought and Leadership, Tempe campus, 2027
  • Karen Leong, School of Social Transformation, Tempe campus 2025
  • Mike Tueller, School of International Letters and Cultures, Tempe campus 2025
  • Hugh Barnaby, School of Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Tempe campus 2025
  • Rong Pan, School of Computing and Augmented Intelligence, Tempe campus 2025
  • Bill Youngdahl, Thunderbird School of Global Management, Downtown Phoenix campus, 2027

Ex officio:

  • President of the University Senate

To officially submit a grievance, please go to Filing a Grievance.